Source code for pydal.adapters.mongo

import copy
import random
from datetime import datetime
from .._compat import basestring, long
from ..exceptions import NotOnNOSQLError
from ..helpers.classes import (
    FakeCursor, Reference, SQLALL, ConnectionConfigurationMixin)
from ..helpers.methods import use_common_filters, xorify
from ..objects import Field, Row, Query, Expression
from .base import NoSQLAdapter
from . import adapters

    from bson import Binary
    from bson.binary import USER_DEFINED_SUBTYPE
[docs] class Binary(object): pass
USER_DEFINED_SUBTYPE = 0 @adapters.register_for('mongodb')
[docs]class Mongo(ConnectionConfigurationMixin, NoSQLAdapter): dbengine = 'mongodb' drivers = ('pymongo',)
[docs] def find_driver(self): super(Mongo, self).find_driver() #: ensure pymongo version >= 3.0 if 'fake_version' in self.driver_args: version = self.driver_args['fake_version'] else: from pymongo import version if int(version.split('.')[0]) < 3: raise RuntimeError( "pydal requires pymongo version >= 3.0, found '%s'" % version)
def _initialize_(self, do_connect): super(Mongo, self)._initialize_(do_connect) #: uri parse from pymongo import uri_parser m = uri_parser.parse_uri(self.uri) if isinstance(m, tuple): m = {"database": m[1]} if m.get('database') is None: raise SyntaxError("Database is required!") self._driver_db = m['database'] #: mongodb imports and utils from bson.objectid import ObjectId from bson.son import SON from pymongo.write_concern import WriteConcern self.epoch = datetime.fromtimestamp(0) self.SON = SON self.ObjectId = ObjectId self.WriteConcern = WriteConcern #: options self.db_codec = 'UTF-8' # this is the minimum amount of replicates that it should wait # for on insert/update self.minimumreplication = self.adapter_args.get( 'minimumreplication', 0) # by default all inserts and selects are performed asynchronous, # but now the default is # synchronous, except when overruled by either this default or # function parameter = 1 if self.adapter_args.get('safe', True) else 0 self._mock_reconnect()
[docs] def connector(self): conn = self.driver.MongoClient(self.uri,[self._driver_db] conn.cursor = lambda: FakeCursor() conn.close = lambda: None conn.commit = lambda: None return conn
def _configure_on_first_reconnect(self): #: server version self._server_version = self.connection.command( "serverStatus")['version'] self.server_version = tuple( [int(x) for x in self._server_version.split('.')]) self.server_version_major = ( self.server_version[0] + self.server_version[1] / 10.0)
[docs] def object_id(self, arg=None): """ Convert input to a valid Mongodb ObjectId instance self.object_id("<random>") -> ObjectId (not unique) instance """ if not arg: arg = 0 if isinstance(arg, basestring): # we assume an integer as default input rawhex = len(arg.replace("0x", "").replace("L", "")) == 24 if arg.isdigit() and (not rawhex): arg = int(arg) elif arg == "<random>": arg = int("0x%s" % "".join([ random.choice("0123456789abcdef") for x in range(24)]), 0) elif arg.isalnum(): if not arg.startswith("0x"): arg = "0x%s" % arg try: arg = int(arg, 0) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError( "invalid objectid argument string: %s" % e) else: raise ValueError("Invalid objectid argument string. " + "Requires an integer or base 16 value") elif isinstance(arg, self.ObjectId): return arg elif isinstance(arg, (Row, Reference)): return self.object_id(long(arg['id'])) elif not isinstance(arg, (int, long)): raise TypeError( "object_id argument must be of type ObjectId or an objectid " + "representable integer (type %s)" % type(arg)) hexvalue = hex(arg)[2:].rstrip('L').zfill(24) return self.ObjectId(hexvalue)
def _get_collection(self, tablename, safe=None): ctable = self.connection[tablename] if safe is not None and safe != wc = self.WriteConcern(w=self._get_safe(safe)) ctable = ctable.with_options(write_concern=wc) return ctable def _get_safe(self, val=None): if val is None: return return 1 if val else 0 def _regex_select_as_parser(self, colname): return @staticmethod def _parse_data(expression, attribute, value=None): if isinstance(expression, (list, tuple)): ret = False for e in expression: ret = Mongo._parse_data(e, attribute, value) or ret return ret if value is not None: try: expression._parse_data[attribute] = value except AttributeError: return None try: return expression._parse_data[attribute] except (AttributeError, TypeError): return None def _expand(self, expression, field_type=None, query_env={}): if isinstance(expression, Field): if expression.type == 'id': result = "_id" else: result = if self._parse_data(expression, 'pipeline'): # field names as part of expressions need to start with '$' result = '$' + result elif isinstance(expression, (Expression, Query)): first = expression.first second = expression.second if isinstance(first, Field) and "reference" in first.type: # cast to Mongo ObjectId if isinstance(second, (tuple, list, set)): second = [ self.object_id(item) for item in expression.second] else: second = self.object_id(expression.second) op = expression.op optional_args = expression.optional_args or {} optional_args['query_env'] = query_env if second is not None: result = op(first, second, **optional_args) elif first is not None: result = op(first, **optional_args) elif isinstance(op, str): result = op else: result = op(**optional_args) elif isinstance(expression, Expansion): expression.query = (self.expand(expression.query, field_type, query_env=query_env)) result = expression elif isinstance(expression, (list, tuple)): result = [self.represent(item, field_type) for item in expression] elif field_type: result = self.represent(expression, field_type) else: result = expression return result
[docs] def represent(self, obj, field_type): if isinstance(obj, self.ObjectId): return obj return super(Mongo, self).represent(obj, field_type)
[docs] def truncate(self, table, mode, safe=None): ctable = self.connection[table._tablename] ctable.delete_many({})
[docs] def count(self, query, distinct=None, snapshot=True): if not isinstance(query, Query): raise SyntaxError("Type '%s' not supported in count" % type(query)) distinct_fields = [] if distinct is True: distinct_fields = [x for x in query.first.table if != 'id'] elif distinct: if isinstance(distinct, Field): distinct_fields = [distinct] else: while (isinstance(distinct, Expression) and isinstance(distinct.second, Field)): distinct_fields += [distinct.second] distinct = distinct.first if isinstance(distinct, Field): distinct_fields += [distinct] distinct = True expanded = Expansion( self, 'count', query, fields=distinct_fields, distinct=distinct) ctable = expanded.get_collection() if not expanded.pipeline: return ctable.count(filter=expanded.query_dict) for record in ctable.aggregate(expanded.pipeline): return record['count'] return 0
[docs] def select(self, query, fields, attributes, snapshot=False): attributes['snapshot'] = snapshot return self.__select(query, fields, **attributes)
def __select(self, query, fields, left=False, join=False, distinct=False, orderby=False, groupby=False, having=False, limitby=False, orderby_on_limitby=True, for_update=False, outer_scoped=[], required=None, cache=None, cacheable=None, processor=None, snapshot=False): new_fields = [] for item in fields: if isinstance(item, SQLALL): new_fields += item._table else: new_fields.append(item) fields = new_fields tablename = self.get_table(query, *fields)._tablename if for_update: self.db.logger.warning( "Attribute 'for_update' unsuppored by MongoDB") if join or left: raise NotOnNOSQLError("Joins not supported on NoSQL databases") if required or cache or cacheable: self.db.logger.warning( "Attributes 'required', 'cache' and 'cacheable' are" + " unsuppored by MongoDB") if limitby and orderby_on_limitby and not orderby: if groupby: orderby = groupby else: table = self.db[tablename] orderby = [ table[x] for x in ( hasattr(table, '_primarykey') and table._primarykey or ['_id'])] if not orderby: mongosort_list = [] else: if snapshot: raise RuntimeError( "snapshot and orderby are mutually exclusive") if isinstance(orderby, (list, tuple)): orderby = xorify(orderby) if str(orderby) == '<random>': # !!!! need to add 'random' mongosort_list = self.dialect.random else: mongosort_list = [] for f in self.expand(orderby).split(','): include = 1 if f.startswith('-'): include = -1 f = f[1:] if f.startswith('$'): f = f[1:] mongosort_list.append((f, include)) expanded = Expansion( self, 'select', query, fields or self.db[tablename], groupby=groupby, distinct=distinct, having=having) ctable = self.connection[tablename] modifiers = {'snapshot': snapshot} if not expanded.pipeline: if limitby: limitby_skip, limitby_limit = limitby[0], int(limitby[1]) - 1 else: limitby_skip = limitby_limit = 0 mongo_list_dicts = ctable.find( expanded.query_dict, expanded.field_dicts, skip=limitby_skip, limit=limitby_limit, sort=mongosort_list, modifiers=modifiers) null_rows = [] else: if mongosort_list: sortby_dict = self.SON() for f in mongosort_list: sortby_dict[f[0]] = f[1] expanded.pipeline.append({'$sort': sortby_dict}) if limitby and limitby[1]: expanded.pipeline.append({'$limit': limitby[1]}) if limitby and limitby[0]: expanded.pipeline.append({'$skip': limitby[0]}) mongo_list_dicts = ctable.aggregate(expanded.pipeline) null_rows = [(None,)] rows = [] # populate row in proper order # Here we replace ._id with .id to follow the standard naming colnames = [] newnames = [] for field in expanded.fields: if hasattr(field, "tablename"): if in ('id', '_id'): # Mongodb reserved uuid key colname = (tablename + '.' + 'id', '_id') else: colname = (field.longname, elif not isinstance(query, Expression): colname = (, colnames.append(colname[1]) newnames.append(colname[0]) for record in mongo_list_dicts: row = [] for colname in colnames: try: value = record[colname] except: value = None if self.server_version_major < 2.6: # '$size' not present in server versions < 2.6 if isinstance(value, list) and '$addToSet' in colname: value = len(value) row.append(value) rows.append(row) if not rows: rows = null_rows processor = processor or self.parse result = processor(rows, fields, newnames, blob_decode=True) return result
[docs] def check_notnull(self, table, values): for fieldname in table._notnulls: if fieldname not in values or values[fieldname] is None: raise Exception("NOT NULL constraint failed: %s" % fieldname)
[docs] def check_unique(self, table, values): if len(table._uniques) > 0: db = table._db unique_queries = [] for fieldname in table._uniques: if fieldname in values: value = values[fieldname] else: value = table[fieldname].default unique_queries.append( Query(db, self.dialect.eq, table[fieldname], value)) if len(unique_queries) > 0: unique_query = unique_queries[0] # if more than one field, build a query of ORs for query in unique_queries[1:]: unique_query = Query( db, self.dialect._or, unique_query, query) if self.count(unique_query, distinct=False) != 0: for query in unique_queries: if self.count(query, distinct=False) != 0: # one of the 'OR' queries failed, see which one raise Exception( "NOT UNIQUE constraint failed: %s" %
[docs] def insert(self, table, fields, safe=None): """Safe determines whether a asynchronous request is done or a synchronous action is done For safety, we use by default synchronous requests""" values = {} safe = self._get_safe(safe) ctable = self._get_collection(table._tablename, safe) for k, v in fields: if not in ["id", "safe"]: fieldname = fieldtype = table[].type values[fieldname] = self.represent(v, fieldtype) # validate notnulls try: self.check_notnull(table, values) except Exception as e: if hasattr(table, '_on_insert_error'): return table._on_insert_error(table, fields, e) raise e # validate uniques try: self.check_unique(table, values) except Exception as e: if hasattr(table, '_on_insert_error'): return table._on_insert_error(table, fields, e) raise e # perform the insert result = ctable.insert_one(values) if result.acknowledged: Oid = result.inserted_id rid = Reference(long(str(Oid), 16)) (rid._table, rid._record) = (table, None) return rid else: return None
[docs] def update(self, table, query, fields, safe=None): # return amount of adjusted rows or zero, but no exceptions # @ related not finding the result if not isinstance(query, Query): raise RuntimeError("Not implemented") safe = self._get_safe(safe) if safe: amount = 0 else: amount = self.count(query, distinct=False) if amount == 0: return amount expanded = Expansion(self, 'update', query, fields) ctable = expanded.get_collection(safe) if expanded.pipeline: try: for doc in ctable.aggregate(expanded.pipeline): result = ctable.replace_one({'_id': doc['_id']}, doc) if safe and result.acknowledged: amount += result.matched_count return amount except Exception as e: # TODO Reverse update query to verify that the query succeeded raise RuntimeError( "uncaught exception when updating rows: %s" % e) try: result = ctable.update_many( filter=expanded.query_dict, update={'$set': expanded.field_dicts}) if safe and result.acknowledged: amount = result.matched_count return amount except Exception as e: # TODO Reverse update query to verify that the query succeeded raise RuntimeError( "uncaught exception when updating rows: %s" % e)
[docs] def delete(self, table, query, safe=None): if not isinstance(query, Query): raise RuntimeError("query type %s is not supported" % type(query)) safe = self._get_safe(safe) expanded = Expansion(self, 'delete', query) ctable = expanded.get_collection(safe) if expanded.pipeline: deleted = [x['_id'] for x in ctable.aggregate(expanded.pipeline)] else: deleted = [x['_id'] for x in ctable.find(expanded.query_dict)] # find references to deleted items db = self.db cascade = [] set_null = [] for field in table._referenced_by: if field.type == 'reference ' + table._tablename: if field.ondelete == 'CASCADE': cascade.append(field) if field.ondelete == 'SET NULL': set_null.append(field) cascade_list = [] set_null_list = [] for field in table._referenced_by_list: if field.type == 'list:reference ' + table._tablename: if field.ondelete == 'CASCADE': cascade_list.append(field) if field.ondelete == 'SET NULL': set_null_list.append(field) # perform delete result = ctable.delete_many({"_id": {"$in": deleted}}) if result.acknowledged: amount = result.deleted_count else: amount = len(deleted) # clean up any references if amount and deleted: # ::TODO:: test if deleted references cascade def remove_from_list(field, deleted, safe): for delete in deleted: modify = { delete} dtable = self._get_collection(field.tablename, safe) dtable.update_many( filter=modify, update={'$pull': modify}) # for cascaded items, if the reference is the only item in the # list, then remove the entire record, else delete reference # from the list for field in cascade_list: for delete in deleted: modify = { [delete]} dtable = self._get_collection(field.tablename, safe) dtable.delete_many(filter=modify) remove_from_list(field, deleted, safe) for field in set_null_list: remove_from_list(field, deleted, safe) for field in cascade: db(field.belongs(deleted)).delete() for field in set_null: db(field.belongs(deleted)).update(**{ None}) return amount
[docs] def bulk_insert(self, table, items): return [self.insert(table, item) for item in items]
[docs]class Expansion(object): """ Class to encapsulate a pydal expression and track the parse expansion and its results. Two different MongoDB mechanisms are targeted here. If the query is sufficiently simple, then simple queries are generated. The bulk of the complexity here is however to support more complex queries that are targeted to the MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline. This class supports four operations: 'count', 'select', 'update' and 'delete'. Behavior varies somewhat for each operation type. However building each pipeline stage is shared where the behavior is the same (or similar) for the different operations. In general an attempt is made to build the query without using the pipeline, and if that fails then the query is rebuilt with the pipeline. QUERY constructed in _build_pipeline_query(): $project : used to calculate expressions if needed $match: filters out records FIELDS constructed in _expand_fields(): FIELDS:COUNT $group : filter for distinct if needed $group: count the records remaining FIELDS:SELECT $group : implement aggregations if needed $project: implement expressions (etc) for select FIELDS:UPDATE $project: implement expressions (etc) for update HAVING constructed in _add_having(): $project : used to calculate expressions $match: filters out records $project : used to filter out previous expression fields """ def __init__(self, adapter, crud, query, fields=(), tablename=None, groupby=None, distinct=False, having=None): self.adapter = adapter self.NULL_QUERY = {'_id': { '$gt': self.adapter.ObjectId('000000000000000000000000')}} self._parse_data = {'pipeline': False, 'need_group': bool(groupby or distinct or having)} self.crud = crud self.having = having self.distinct = distinct if not groupby and distinct: if distinct is True: # groupby gets all fields self.groupby = fields else: self.groupby = distinct else: self.groupby = groupby if crud == 'update': self.values = [(f[0], self.annotate_expression(f[1])) for f in (fields or [])] self.fields = [f[0] for f in self.values] else: self.fields = [self.annotate_expression(f) for f in (fields or [])] self.tablename = (tablename or adapter.get_table(query, *self.fields)._tablename) if use_common_filters(query): query = adapter.common_filter(query, [self.tablename]) self.query = self.annotate_expression(query) # expand the query self.pipeline = [] self.query_dict = adapter.expand(self.query) self.field_dicts = adapter.SON() self.field_groups = adapter.SON() self.field_groups['_id'] = adapter.SON() if self._parse_data['pipeline']: # if the query needs the aggregation engine, set that up self._build_pipeline_query() # expand the fields for the aggregation engine self._expand_fields(None) else: # expand the fields try: if not self._parse_data['need_group']: self._expand_fields(self._fields_loop_abort) else: self._parse_data['pipeline'] = True raise StopIteration except StopIteration: # if the fields needs the aggregation engine, set that up self.field_dicts = adapter.SON() if self.query_dict: if self.query_dict != self.NULL_QUERY: self.pipeline = [{'$match': self.query_dict}] self.query_dict = {} # expand the fields for the aggregation engine self._expand_fields(None) if not self._parse_data['pipeline']: if crud == 'update': # do not update id fields for fieldname in ("_id", "id"): if fieldname in self.field_dicts: del self.field_dicts[fieldname] else: if crud == 'update': self._add_all_fields_projection(self.field_dicts) self.field_dicts = adapter.SON() elif crud == 'select': if self._parse_data['need_group']: if not self.groupby: # no groupby, aggregate all records self.field_groups['_id'] = None # id has no value after aggregations self.field_dicts['_id'] = False self.pipeline.append({'$group': self.field_groups}) if self.field_dicts: self.pipeline.append({'$project': self.field_dicts}) self.field_dicts = adapter.SON() self._add_having() elif crud == 'count': if self._parse_data['need_group']: self.pipeline.append({'$group': self.field_groups}) self.pipeline.append( {'$group': {"_id": None, 'count': {"$sum": 1}}}) #elif crud == 'delete': # pass @property def dialect(self): return self.adapter.dialect def _build_pipeline_query(self): # search for anything needing the $match stage. # currently only '$regex' requires the match stage def parse_need_match_stage(items, parent, parent_key): need_match = False non_matched_indices = [] if isinstance(items, list): indices = range(len(items)) elif isinstance(items, dict): indices = items.keys() else: return for i in indices: if parse_need_match_stage(items[i], items, i): need_match = True elif i not in [self.dialect.REGEXP_MARK1, self.dialect.REGEXP_MARK2]: non_matched_indices.append(i) if i == self.dialect.REGEXP_MARK1: need_match = True self.query_dict['project'].update(items[i]) parent[parent_key] = items[self.dialect.REGEXP_MARK2] if need_match: for i in non_matched_indices: name = str(items[i]) self.query_dict['project'][name] = items[i] items[i] = {name: True} if parent is None and self.query_dict['project']: self.query_dict['match'] = items return need_match expanded = self.adapter.expand(self.query) if self.dialect.REGEXP_MARK1 in expanded: # the REGEXP_MARK is at the top of the tree, so can just split # the regex over a '$project' and a '$match' self.query_dict = None match = expanded[self.dialect.REGEXP_MARK2] project = expanded[self.dialect.REGEXP_MARK1] else: self.query_dict = {'project': {}, 'match': {}} if parse_need_match_stage(expanded, None, None): project = self.query_dict['project'] match = self.query_dict['match'] else: project = {'__query__': expanded} match = {'__query__': True} if self.crud in ['select', 'update']: self._add_all_fields_projection(project) else: self.pipeline.append({'$project': project}) self.pipeline.append({'$match': match}) self.query_dict = None def _expand_fields(self, mid_loop): if self.crud == 'update': mid_loop = mid_loop or self._fields_loop_update_pipeline for field, value in self.values: self._expand_field(field, value, mid_loop) elif self.crud in ['select', 'count']: mid_loop = mid_loop or self._fields_loop_select_pipeline for field in self.fields: self._expand_field(field, field, mid_loop) elif self.fields: raise RuntimeError(self.crud + " not supported with fields") def _expand_field(self, field, value, mid_loop): expanded = {} if isinstance(field, Field): expanded = self.adapter.expand(value, field.type) elif isinstance(field, (Expression, Query)): expanded = self.adapter.expand(field) = str(expanded) else: raise RuntimeError("%s not supported with fields" % type(field)) if mid_loop: expanded = mid_loop(expanded, field, value) self.field_dicts[] = expanded def _fields_loop_abort(self, expanded, *args): # if we need the aggregation engine, then start over if self._parse_data['pipeline']: raise StopIteration() return expanded def _fields_loop_update_pipeline(self, expanded, field, value): if not isinstance(value, Expression): if self.adapter.server_version_major >= 2.6: expanded = {'$literal': expanded} # '$literal' not present in server versions < 2.6 elif field.type in ['string', 'text', 'password']: expanded = {'$concat': [expanded]} elif field.type in ['integer', 'bigint', 'float', 'double']: expanded = {'$add': [expanded]} elif field.type == 'boolean': expanded = {'$and': [expanded]} elif field.type in ['date', 'time', 'datetime']: expanded = {'$add': [expanded]} else: raise RuntimeError( "updating with expressions not supported for field type " + "'%s' in MongoDB version < 2.6" % field.type) return expanded def _fields_loop_select_pipeline(self, expanded, field, value): # search for anything needing $group def parse_groups(items, parent, parent_key): for item in items: if isinstance(items[item], list): for list_item in items[item]: if isinstance(list_item, dict): parse_groups(list_item, items[item], items[item].index(list_item)) elif isinstance(items[item], dict): parse_groups(items[item], items, item) if item == self.dialect.GROUP_MARK: name = str(items) self.field_groups[name] = items[item] parent[parent_key] = '$' + name return items if self.dialect.AS_MARK in # The AS_MARK in the field name is used by base to alias the # result, we don't actually need the AS_MARK in the parse tree # so we remove it here. if isinstance(expanded, list): # AS mark is first element in list, drop it expanded = expanded[1] elif self.dialect.AS_MARK in expanded: # AS mark is element in dict, drop it del expanded[self.dialect.AS_MARK] else: # ::TODO:: should be possible to do this... raise SyntaxError("AS() not at top of parse tree") if self.dialect.GROUP_MARK in expanded: # the GROUP_MARK is at the top of the tree, so can just pass # the group result straight through the '$project' stage self.field_groups[] = expanded[self.dialect.GROUP_MARK] expanded = 1 elif self.dialect.GROUP_MARK in # the GROUP_MARK is not at the top of the tree, so we need to # pass the group results through to a '$project' stage. expanded = parse_groups(expanded, None, None) elif self._parse_data['need_group']: if field in self.groupby: # this is a 'groupby' field self.field_groups['_id'][] = expanded expanded = '$_id.' + else: raise SyntaxError("field '%s' not in groupby" % field) return expanded def _add_all_fields_projection(self, fields): for fieldname in self.adapter.db[self.tablename].fields: # add all fields to projection to pass them through if fieldname not in fields and fieldname not in ("_id", "id"): fields[fieldname] = 1 self.pipeline.append({'$project': fields}) def _add_having(self): if not self.having: return self._expand_field( self.having, None, self._fields_loop_select_pipeline) fields = {'__having__': self.field_dicts[]} for fieldname in self.pipeline[-1]['$project']: # add all fields to projection to pass them through if fieldname not in fields and fieldname not in ("_id", "id"): fields[fieldname] = 1 self.pipeline.append({'$project': copy.copy(fields)}) self.pipeline.append({'$match': {'__having__': True}}) del fields['__having__'] self.pipeline.append({'$project': fields})
[docs] def annotate_expression(self, expression): def mark_has_field(expression): if not isinstance(expression, (Expression, Query)): return False first_has_field = mark_has_field(expression.first) second_has_field = mark_has_field(expression.second) expression.has_field = (isinstance(expression, Field) or first_has_field or second_has_field) return expression.has_field def add_parse_data(child, parent): if isinstance(child, (Expression, Query)): child.parse_root = parent.parse_root child.parse_parent = parent child.parse_depth = parent.parse_depth + 1 child._parse_data = parent._parse_data add_parse_data(child.first, child) add_parse_data(child.second, child) elif isinstance(child, (list, tuple)): for c in child: add_parse_data(c, parent) if isinstance(expression, (Expression, Query)): expression.parse_root = expression expression.parse_depth = -1 expression._parse_data = self._parse_data add_parse_data(expression, expression) mark_has_field(expression) return expression
[docs] def get_collection(self, safe=None): return self.adapter._get_collection(self.tablename, safe)
[docs]class MongoBlob(Binary): MONGO_BLOB_BYTES = USER_DEFINED_SUBTYPE MONGO_BLOB_NON_UTF8_STR = USER_DEFINED_SUBTYPE + 1 def __new__(cls, value): # return None and Binary() unmolested if value is None or isinstance(value, Binary): return value # bytearray is marked as MONGO_BLOB_BYTES if isinstance(value, bytearray): return Binary.__new__( cls, bytes(value), MongoBlob.MONGO_BLOB_BYTES) # return non-strings as Binary(), eg: PY3 bytes() if not isinstance(value, basestring): return Binary(value) # if string is encodable as UTF-8, then return as string try: value.encode('utf-8') return value except UnicodeDecodeError: # string which can not be UTF-8 encoded, eg: pickle strings return Binary.__new__( cls, value, MongoBlob.MONGO_BLOB_NON_UTF8_STR) def __repr__(self): return repr(MongoBlob.decode(self)) @staticmethod
[docs] def decode(value): if isinstance(value, Binary): if value.subtype == MongoBlob.MONGO_BLOB_BYTES: return bytearray(value) if value.subtype == MongoBlob.MONGO_BLOB_NON_UTF8_STR: return str(value) return value