Source code for pydal.helpers.classes

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import copy
import marshal
import struct
import traceback

from .._compat import exists, copyreg

[docs]class Reference(long): def __allocate(self): if not self._record: self._record = self._table[long(self)] if not self._record: raise RuntimeError( "Using a recursive select but encountered a broken reference: %s %d"%(self._table, long(self))) def __getattr__(self, key): if key == 'id': return long(self) if key in self._table: self.__allocate() if self._record: return self._record.get(key,None) # to deal with case self.update_record() else: return None
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): return self.__getattr__(key, default)
def __setattr__(self, key, value): if key.startswith('_'): long.__setattr__(self, key, value) return self.__allocate() self._record[key] = value def __getitem__(self, key): if key == 'id': return long(self) self.__allocate() return self._record.get(key, None) def __setitem__(self,key,value): self.__allocate() self._record[key] = value
[docs]def Reference_unpickler(data): return marshal.loads(data)
[docs]def Reference_pickler(data): try: marshal_dump = marshal.dumps(long(data)) except AttributeError: marshal_dump = 'i%s' % struct.pack('<i', long(data)) return (Reference_unpickler, (marshal_dump,))
copyreg.pickle(Reference, Reference_pickler, Reference_unpickler)
[docs]class SQLCallableList(list): def __call__(self): return copy.copy(self)
[docs]class SQLALL(object): """ Helper class providing a comma-separated string having all the field names (prefixed by table name and '.') normally only called from within gluon.dal """ def __init__(self, table): self._table = table def __str__(self): return ', '.join([str(field) for field in self._table])
[docs]class SQLCustomType(object): """ Allows defining of custom SQL types Args: type: the web2py type (default = 'string') native: the backend type encoder: how to encode the value to store it in the backend decoder: how to decode the value retrieved from the backend validator: what validators to use ( default = None, will use the default validator for type) Example:: Define as: decimal = SQLCustomType( type ='double', native ='integer', encoder =(lambda x: int(float(x) * 100)), decoder = (lambda x: Decimal("0.00") + Decimal(str(float(x)/100)) ) ) db.define_table( 'example', Field('value', type=decimal) ) """ def __init__( self, type='string', native=None, encoder=None, decoder=None, validator=None, _class=None, ): self.type = type self.native = native self.encoder = encoder or (lambda x: x) self.decoder = decoder or (lambda x: x) self.validator = validator self._class = _class or type
[docs] def startswith(self, text=None): try: return self.type.startswith(self, text) except TypeError: return False
[docs] def endswith(self, text=None): try: return self.type.endswith(self, text) except TypeError: return False
def __getslice__(self, a=0, b=100): return None def __getitem__(self, i): return None def __str__(self): return self._class
[docs]class RecordUpdater(object): def __init__(self, colset, table, id): self.colset, self.db, self.tablename, = \ colset, table._db, table._tablename, id def __call__(self, **fields): colset, db, tablename, id = self.colset, self.db, self.tablename, table = db[tablename] newfields = fields or dict(colset) for fieldname in newfields.keys(): if not fieldname in table.fields or table[fieldname].type=='id': del newfields[fieldname] table._db(table._id==id,ignore_common_filters=True).update(**newfields) colset.update(newfields) return colset
[docs]class RecordDeleter(object): def __init__(self, table, id): self.db, self.tablename, = table._db, table._tablename, id def __call__(self): return self.db(self.db[self.tablename]
[docs]class MethodAdder(object): def __init__(self,table): self.table = table def __call__(self): return self.register() def __getattr__(self,method_name): return self.register(method_name)
[docs] def register(self,method_name=None): def _decorated(f): instance = self.table import types method = types.MethodType(f, instance, instance.__class__) name = method_name or f.func_name setattr(instance, name, method) return f return _decorated
[docs]class DatabaseStoredFile: web2py_filesystems = set()
[docs] def escape(self,obj): return self.db._adapter.escape(obj)
[docs] def try_create_web2py_filesystem(db): if not db._uri in DatabaseStoredFile.web2py_filesystems: if db._adapter.dbengine == 'mysql': sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS web2py_filesystem (path VARCHAR(255), content LONGTEXT, PRIMARY KEY(path) ) ENGINE=InnoDB;" elif db._adapter.dbengine in ('postgres', 'sqlite'): sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS web2py_filesystem (path VARCHAR(255), content TEXT, PRIMARY KEY(path));" db.executesql(sql) DatabaseStoredFile.web2py_filesystems.add(db._uri)
def __init__(self,db,filename,mode): if not db._adapter.dbengine in ('mysql', 'postgres', 'sqlite'): raise RuntimeError("only MySQL/Postgres/SQLite can store metadata .table files in database for now") self.db = db self.filename = filename self.mode = mode DatabaseStoredFile.try_create_web2py_filesystem(db) self.p=0 = '' if mode in ('r','rw','a'): query = "SELECT content FROM web2py_filesystem WHERE path='%s'" \ % filename rows = self.db.executesql(query) if rows: = rows[0][0] elif exists(filename): datafile = open(filename, 'r') try: = finally: datafile.close() elif mode in ('r','rw'): raise RuntimeError("File %s does not exist" % filename)
[docs] def read(self, bytes): data =[self.p:self.p+bytes] self.p += len(data) return data
[docs] def readline(self): i ='\n',self.p)+1 if i>0: data, self.p =[self.p:i], i else: data, self.p =[self.p:], len( return data
[docs] def write(self,data): += data
[docs] def close_connection(self): if self.db is not None: self.db.executesql( "DELETE FROM web2py_filesystem WHERE path='%s'" % self.filename) query = "INSERT INTO web2py_filesystem(path,content) VALUES ('%s','%s')"\ % (self.filename,"'","''")) self.db.executesql(query) self.db.commit() self.db = None
[docs] def close(self): self.close_connection()
[docs] def exists(db, filename): if exists(filename): return True DatabaseStoredFile.try_create_web2py_filesystem(db) query = "SELECT path FROM web2py_filesystem WHERE path='%s'" % filename try: if db.executesql(query): return True except Exception, e: if not (db._adapter.isOperationalError(e) or db._adapter.isProgrammingError(e)): raise # no web2py_filesystem found? tb = traceback.format_exc() db.logger.error("Could not retrieve %s\n%s" % (filename, tb)) return False
[docs]class UseDatabaseStoredFile:
[docs] def file_exists(self, filename): return DatabaseStoredFile.exists(self.db,filename)
[docs] def file_open(self, filename, mode='rb', lock=True): return DatabaseStoredFile(self.db,filename,mode)
[docs] def file_close(self, fileobj): fileobj.close_connection()
[docs] def file_delete(self,filename): query = "DELETE FROM web2py_filesystem WHERE path='%s'" % filename self.db.executesql(query) self.db.commit()